Ferret training: One skill to teach countless tricks

Ferret training: One skill to teach countless tricks
https://youtu.be/LdGUzJExvnA In this tutorial Clipper the ferret shows how to teach a ferret to touch a hand target and how this can help start to teach lots of cute, clever and inventive tricks :-) Some of the tricks you can use a hand target for is spin, leg weave, jump, beg/sit pretty and climbing onto objects, it is a very simple trick to teach and one I would recommend when first starting to train your ferret. Clipper is an albino ferret, in the video he is around six months old, he is a very cheeky and friendly ferret, he is taught using clicker training. Read more about training ferrets on my website: http://ferrets.positive-pets.co.uk/ Clipper is one of the stars of mission impossible ferrets. Please subscribe and share.
