Ferrets showing off their tricks to their favorite trests

Ferrets showing off their tricks to their favorite trests
https://youtu.be/P42BdmVbpAw I offered pieces of NBone and freeze dried chicken breasts as a treat to my guys. But they get to work for it :D Lyla, the pink (now almost gray) collar is 4 years old. She was my first ferret. Meeko, the red collar, is about 10 months old here. She's my seccond ferret. Notice how she's missing a lot of fur on her shoulders, belly, forepaws, and toes? When she was 7 months old (in october), she was broght in to the Vet for exploratory surgery because she'd ingested some cloth. Then, turns out it's not a blockage, but she has Juvenyloe Lymphoma (cancer). The vet said she'd had about a few weeks to maybe a few months if we were lucky. In this video, it's been 5 months, and she's still doing great! The hair loss is some left over from the surgery when she was shaved that it never grew back, and the rest is from falling out doe to her deds (Prednisone). She's our little miracle! Baloo comes in at the end and has the blue/purple collar. He is deaf, and a good candidate for Waardenburg Syndrome. He is a Marshall's ferret. He is about 4 months old here. Jan 2012
