How to clicker train your ferret part 4(of 4):Removing the clicker/luring during the behavior!

How to clicker train your ferret part 4(of 4):Removing the clicker/luring during the behavior!
In this final part of the series, I demonstrate how to finish teaching a behavior by removing the clicker and luring. I faded these out by slowly removing them over the past couple of weeks. Now, Simon can roll over and stand up withe the verbal command and/or the hand signal! I'm so proud of him! Other videos in this series: How to clicker train your ferret part 1 (of4): Click = Treat! How to clicker train your ferret part 2 (of 4): Using luring to teach new behaviors! How to clicker train your ferret part 3 (of 4): Adding as hand signal and/or verbal command! Instinct Signature Rabbit Raw Bites
